Concentriq® delivers value. Proscia delivers trust.

The 2024 Emerging Company Spotlight report from KLAS Research features interviews and data from Proscia customers about their experience using the Concentriq enterprise pathology platform, and the trust they have in Proscia.

The interviews clearly illustrate that Concentriq:

  • Delivers immediate value, improving turnaround times, overcoming workforce issues, and creating a real-world data archive for fueling research and development.
  • Supports integration goals, with a scanner-agnostic platform that integrates with multiple LIS, letting customers accelerate their scaled adoption of digital pathology.
  • Delivers a future-proof approach to AI, offering a foundation for deploying a broad portfolio of AI applications.

Respondents are also impressed with Proscia’s pathology expertise, executive engagement, and the level of support they receive. Download your complimentary copy of the KLAS report for all of the details.

“We saw immediately that Concentriq was a better viewer than what we had been using. We wanted to be scanner agnostic, and thanks to Proscia, we are. We are presenting images from different solutions to pathologists with the same viewer. We wanted to be AI agnostic and be able to seamlessly play in that space with one viewer, and we are doing that.”

—VP/other executive

About Proscia

Proscia is a software company accelerating pathology’s transition to digital to change the way we understand diseases like cancer. Its Concentriq enterprise pathology platform and powerful AI applications are unlocking new insights that accelerate R&D, improve patient outcomes, and fulfill the promise of precision medicine.